Update on The Child Tax Credit Letters from The IRS | February, 2022 |

If you receive the letters from the IRS regarding the Child Tax Credit for 2021 or the Economic Stimulus Payments. Please don’t assume that the IRS numbers on those letters are correct.

Unfortunately, many of these notices contain incorrect information. So please double-check your records and verify how much you actually received. And don’t depend on the IRS notice to tell you what you actually got, because it may be wrong and you may miss out.

So, unfortunately, this is not a good measure to use as a double-check, but verify the actual dollar amounts you’ve received. If you have questions about this and our VIP client, please let me know, and we can check your transcripts from the IRS side to verify, and you can confirm with your records.

I’m Donna Bordeaux from CampgroundAccounting.com. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Make sure you check out our blog and our website from the link below. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell to be notified when we post. To contact me, email me at donna@campgroundaccounting.com.

Donna Bordeaux, CPA with Campground Accounting

What happens when you send two CPAs out into the relaxing outdoors to camp? You get CampgroundAccounting.com.  Donna and Chad have over 50 years of combined experience as entrepreneurial CPAs.  They’ve owned businesses and helped business owners exceed their wildest dreams. They camp and travel across the country every chance they get, so it’s just a natural fit that they focus their CPA skills on helping campground owners throughout the USA grow their businesses and minimize the impact of taxes.  They understand the key performance indicators and specialized issues that face RV park owners every day. </i

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